The Moral Failure of Computer Scientists

Vă recomand o discuție palpitantă despre implicațiile etice și mai ales politice ale cercetării științifice și ale diverselor realizări tehnologice. Probabil că ar trebui să scoatem capul din nisip până nu e prea târziu.

In the 1950s, a group of scientists spoke out against the dangers of nuclear weapons. Should cryptographers take on the surveillance state?

Sursa: The Moral Failure of Computer Scientists

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Dacă se confirmă, aceasta ar putea fi cu adevărat o descoperire revoluționară: un medicament care dizolvă plăcile senile din creierul pacienților suferind de această formă de demență.

Alzheimer’s disease is the most common form of dementia, affecting more than 5 million Americans.

Sursa: LiveScience

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Physics rules! May the mass times acceleration be with us all! 😀


Which science field is best? We battle it out in song – Star Wars Style!Get the song:

Posted by AsapSCIENCE on Sunday, December 6, 2015

Sursa: AsapSCIENCE

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The 6 best science apps for your phone or tablet | ExtremeTech

Să nu spuneți că nu le știați. 🙂

This time of year, millions of people receive smartphones and tablets as gifts. Social networking apps and mobile games are typically what these devices are used for the most, but they can also serve as exceptional learning tools. So if you’re planning on giving a new iOS or Android device as a gift”¦

Sursa: The 6 best science apps for your phone or tablet | ExtremeTech

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Physics Today

O plăcută lectură de seară… Sau de zi. Sau de dimineață. De voi depinde când o citiți. 🙂

The nature of spacetime is still an open question in many ways. In this blog post, Stephen Wolfram—who earned a PhD in physics from Caltech before moving into areas of computer science—discusses the evolution of his understanding of the concept of spacetime as a network and a project that he started some years ago and would like to return to.

Sursa: Physics Today

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Physicists confirm thermodynamic irreversibility in a quantum system

Palpitant. Deci până la urmă s-ar putea ca timpul să existe cu adevărat și curgerea lui să fie implacabilă, inclusiv la nivel cuantic. Sau, după cum ar fi spus Heraclit (deși nu știm cu siguranță dacă a spus-o): panta rhei.

(—For the first time, physicists have performed an experiment confirming that thermodynamic processes are irreversible in a quantum system—meaning that, even on the quantum level, you can’t put a broken egg back into its shell. The results have implications for understanding thermodynamics”¦

Sursa: Physicists confirm thermodynamic irreversibility in a quantum system

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